Drug crimes are always serious, and you should treat any accusation as if you’re already being charged. A solid defense is necessary to help you protect your rights and to make sure that you don’t face charges for crimes you didn’t commit or that don’t fit the crime...
Investigated Or Accused Of A Crime?
Police Searches
Are you under investigation in Connecticut? Signs to look for
Sometimes, police officers catch you in an alleged crime and arrest you on the spot. However, when law enforcement or state prosecutors believe you are involved in serious criminal activities, they typically launch an investigation to determine if an arrest is...
What constitutes indecent exposure in Connecticut?
Most sexual crimes under Connecticut law involve physical encounters with another person. However, some of the laws have to do with the way that people behave in public spaces or even with digital communication devices. One of the most misunderstood laws regarding...
Could a plea deal help you?
If you're facing criminal charges, then there's a strong chance that prosecutors may offer you a plea deal. Why? That's because an estimated 90% of all criminal cases end in some kind of plea deal. Plea deals go down as a "win" in the prosecutor's book, and they keep...
Do you really know what your BAC is?
Someone's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is an interesting measurement. Most people know that they cannot legally drive with a BAC that is over 0.08%. Yet, at the same time, they have no way to measure their own. Some use personal breath tests, but these are by no...
What’s the age of consent for intercourse in Connecticut?
Laws surrounding statutory rape are designed to protect young, vulnerable people from being victimized by others. But the laws can be both convoluted and confusing. Plus, they vary greatly from state to state. So, what are the rules in Connecticut when it comes to the...
3 prescription drug mistakes that could lead to your arrest
Prescription drugs can save someone's life or help them manage difficult symptoms, but they could also lead to addiction, interact with other medications or result in an overdose. Federal and state laws aim to protect the public through controlled substances...
How long can tests find traces of drugs in your system?
Even before they reach the legal drinking age, many people have experience with alcohol. One thing that they learn from these is that it leaves their system fairly quickly. You may have been too drunk to drive one night, but you’re sober by the next morning. If you...
Women can be (and are) arrested for domestic violence
It used to be that the idea of a “battered man” was played for laughs – often with a skillet to the head. It might have once been acceptable for a woman to haul off and slap or punch her husband if she thought he deserved it. That’s no longer the case – and rightfully...
Is Connecticut’s DUI Home Confinement Program right for you?
Incarceration isn’t always the most effective solution for people who have committed certain crimes – either for the offender or the community. The Connecticut Department of Correction (DOC) recognizes that. That’s why they have a DUI Home Confinement (HC) Program. If...