If you’re facing felony charges, one thing you’re likely concerned about is the impact your record will have on your future. Yes, you want to avoid a long stint in jail as well, but that may not even be in the cards, depending on the charges against you. But even a...
Investigated Or Accused Of A Crime?
Month: April 2021
Stopped by a cop? You don’t have to admit to drinking
When you see the flashing lights of a police vehicle behind you, you will probably stop as soon as you can. It’s a good idea to do so, because your actions may influence how that traffic stop is handled by the officer. Initially, an officer may have stopped your for...
What should you know about the difference in state and federal drug charges?
Drug offenses are unique in that both state and federal prosecutors can bring charges against a defendant. A good rule of thumb is that the Department of Justice tends to prosecute bigger cases such as trafficking or manufacturing ones. State prosecutors often...
Drug court is a commitment, but it can keep you out of jail
You have had a long struggle with drugs — maybe decades. Now, your past is catching up to you because you are facing felony charges related to your addiction. You realize that you could be going away for quite a long time if you get convicted on all counts. You...
Caught your teen sexting? Here’s what you need to know
Electronics are everywhere these days, and it’s increasingly normal for teenagers and pre-teens alike to have their own phones. Phones, of course, have cameras -- and that fact, coupled with the inquisitive teenage mind and raging hormones sometimes leads to...
Can you get back at your ex by posting their nude selfies online?
When your ex first shared sexy images or video with you, you are probably very excited about it. Whether they set them in an email or via social media, you might have saved those images or videos to enjoy them later. In the context of your relationship, you were...
Diversion programs may help you avoid a conviction
If you’re accused of a crime in Connecticut, the best thing you can do is explore all avenues of defense for your situation, including possible diversion programs. Diversion programs are designed to keep people out of jail or prison, even when imprisonment is a...
Yes, prescription medications can and do lead to DUIs
You’re probably familiar with taking medications every once in a while. Whether you have a bad cold or have developed an infection, taking medications may be the one way you can start to feel better. Unfortunately, medications can have side effects that greatly impact...
Placing drug offenders in prison isn’t always the best option
If most lawmakers had their way, they'd lock every drug defendant up in prison. Evidence suggests, however, that this isn't the ideal solution for effectuating a lasting change. It instead leads to a perpetual cycle of problems. This realization has led some...
What is expungement in Connecticut?
People who have a criminal history often find that it’s hard to live life as they want. They may face challenges when they’re trying to find a job or a place to live because of their criminal record. Connecticut law sets some specific criteria for people who have a...